

Hebigat Sounds Volume One (Razorback, 1995)

Hebigat Sounds sounded just right but Inuman Sessions Vol.1 would have been more apt for Razorback's debut. From the opening motif of "Tabi Ng Bulkan" to that riff that plays repeatedly and ends "Diwata", these guys delivered bad-ass goods - equal parts booze and rock and roll. "Stand by...rolling". I took one bottle, poured half in a glass. It tasted bitter. And sweet. Kevin Roy started singing about stuff - misadventures, a drinking buddy, among other things. But the band kicked arse mainly via one-two punch of David Aguirre and Tirso Ripoll. Riffs, motifs and licks - after, over and within - riffs, motifs and licks. Sounded like each of them has got a sixth left-hand finger. Six. Fuckin. Fingers. I emptied the bottle. Dumps one cube on the head. Before he could finish his fifth song, Kevin Roy must've been drunk already. For he sang the same verse over and over. I took another bottle. Then another. And another. The band played the same verse about three times, the same chorus, three times. They must’ve been smashed already. Man, that song could have been finished two minutes ago, damn! Then I reach the bucket for another. This next bottle's already warm. The ice bucket was empty. A girl in black shirt showed up and took it. Then, I went to the bath room and tried to keep my balance as I walked carefully between tables and chairs. My feet following the beat of Louie Talan and Miguel Ortigas’ pounding rhythm. I heard Kevin Roy talk about things again - beer, jazz, ganjazz, another friend - all the shallow stuff, including his baňo song. But I'm not complaining. I came here to relax, drink beer and not talk about politics or any serious matter. For a change. I was already having tamang amats by the time I went home. Before I slept that night, I remember that fair lady in black. She took the ice bucket and never came back. Then I woke up with a massive hangover, my head hurts and felt like it was ten times heavier. Hebigat, indeed. Damn, never gonna drink again. ***

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